Fourier Shape ============= * Animate a fourier series of different shapes * Highlights: ``integrate``, ``sample``, ``Trail`` * Inspiration: `3Blue1Brown `_ .. video:: :autoplay: :loop: A Fourier Series of n terms is an approximation of a given function using sine waves of frequencies upto n. We can represent shapes (curves) using complex functions. We find the amplitudes of the frequencies forming the function by finding its `Fourier transform `_ Given a (complex) function :math:`u(t) : [a, b] \to C` The amplitude of a frequency f as a function of f is given by the fourier transform :math:`\widehat{u}(f)` : .. math:: \widehat{u}(f) = \int_{a}^{b} u(t) e^{- 2 \pi i f t} dt We compute this by using the Reimann sum of the integral instead: the function ```math::integrate``` To find the function for an arbitrary shape #. trace over the shape in Blender #. export as a ``.obj`` file #. use ``obj_to_pts`` to import and parse the ``obj`` #. use ``ShapeFnFromPts`` to make a function which interpolates between the points and returns a complex number.