// Include all the things
#include "samarium/samarium.hpp"
// All code is in namespace sm
using namespace sm;
auto main() -> i32
// print calls fmt::format() on each argument
print("Hello there");
// For uniformity, typedefs are used for numeric types
f64 this_is_a_double = 3.14;
f32 this_is_a_float = 3.14F;
i32 this_is_an_int = 42;
// A Vec2 is a pair of f64's: an x and y coordinate
// it is an alias for Vec2_t<f64>
print("A Vec2:", Vec2{.x = 5, .y = -3});
// A Color is 4 u8's: red, green blue, and alpha
print("A Color: ", Color{.r = 5, .g = 200, .b = 255});
// Color